For Rent

  • Apartments in Stone Oak San Antonio TX A cardboard box labeled "MOVING" sits on a two-wheeled hand truck with red handles, ready for transport. It's a useful sight when you're moving from one apartment to another and packing goods efficiently. The Montecristo Apartments in San Antonio North Loop San Antonio, TX 78232 p: (210) 672-4919 f: (210) 877-5455

    Apartment Moving Tasks that Have Little or Nothing to Do With Packing

    While packing is certainly a biggie, not every important task involved in moving has to do with boxing up and moving your stuff. There are plenty of non-packing related essentials that you’ll have to take care of; so be sure to have these on your to-do list! Fill out a change of address form with […]

  • Nine Apartment Elements that Lend Personal Style to Your Space

      Many apartment-dwellers struggle with transitioning the empty canvas of a new apartment into a space that expresses their own unique style. To help get you started, we’ve narrowed things down to a few easy elements that—when chosen as reflections of your own style and taste—will help give your apartment some of your own, special […]

  • Tips For Falling Asleep in Your New Apartment

    Carve out at least 30 minutes of wind-down time before bed in which you do something relaxing, such as read a book. Dim the lights in the apartment slightly for an hour or so before bed. Disconnect from close-range electronic devices such as laptops, phones, and tablets, as the light from their screens can alert […]

  • Life Hacks for a Small(ish) Apartment Bathroom

      Unless you’re reading this from the spacious comfort of your sprawling penthouse on Fifth Avenue, your apartment was probably carefully designed to be optimally space-efficient. That’s a nice way of saying that a brilliant architect was probably tasked with the job of allocating more space in the rooms you’re likely to spend a lot […]

  • New Apartment Furniture

    New apartment furniture   January is the month!   Horchow, West Elm, Home Depot, Target, and Crate and Barrel are just a few of the major retailers who heavily discount their collections in January. You’ll even see a few mattress sales, although we’ve found that the best mattress deals come in April. Expect to see […]

  • New Apartment Furniture

    New apartment furniture   January is the month!   Horchow, West Elm, Home Depot, Target, and Crate and Barrel are just a few of the major retailers who heavily discount their collections in January. You’ll even see a few mattress sales, although we’ve found that the best mattress deals come in April. Expect to see […]